Haven Orchestra Screens

Woolly Shepherd has worked closely with leading musicians and conductors, to design, develop and manufacture this range of highly effective orchestra screens. Using our unique combination of natural fibres, these orchestra screens provide much needed protection for musicians playing in orchestras and concert bands who are regularly exposed to extended periods of high decibel sound from the musicians directly around them.

As you might expect from the company who won the Institute of Acoustics first, and to date only, Sustainable Design Award, our Haven orchestra screens were designed with an eye on making sure that they fitted nicely within our existing portfolio of, highly effective, sustainable products.

The stand and screen frame are made from steel by a UK company based in Somerset, approximately 20 miles from our workshop. The choice of using steel was not one that initially sat that well with us, but given its durability and recyclability along with the efforts being made by the industry to reduce its environmental impact, we decided that at this moment in time it is the option we will go with.

The pads that do all of the clever bit, protecting its user, without deflecting sound back at other musicians or distorting sound, are made from a combination of natural fibres that provide a blend of sound absorption and sound blocking.

In use, the Haven sits behind the head of a musician playing in an orchestra or concert/brass band set up. The acoustic screen reduces decibel exposure from musicians seated immediately behind them and as a result of the absorptive properties of the shield, the musician playing into the shield is not exposed to reflected sound waves.

The Haven is a vitally important addition to any orchestra or concert band, contributing to a wider strategy for mitigating against the hearing damage sometimes suffered by professional musicians.

This problem has been highlighted by a number of studies such as this one, published in 2011- Sound Exposure of Symphony Orchestra Musicians

So, normally, at this point you would, understandably, be expecting to find our test data demonstrating that our screens are proven to reduce exposure to excessive decibel levels and normally we would oblige. However, as the screens are used in multiple set ups in a vast array of acoustic environments we do not feel that testing the product in an anechoic chamber with an individual sound source on one side and a microphone on the other, will do anything to prove that they will reduce a musicians exposure by X when playing in an orchestra. Therefore, in the absence of in situ testing across a good cross section of orchestras or more realistic chamber testing, we rely solely on the feedback from users.

The Haven has changed my playing life in the studio and I know that my colleagues that use them are really happy with them

Andy Everton
Principal Trumpet BBC National Orchestra of Wales
Brass Tutor Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

Hearing loss for professional musicians has long been a problem due to prolonged exposure to loud music, whether it’s rock and roll or classical. This is particularly an issue for younger players and those who teach them, who are now becoming aware of the potential dangers of close proximity of instruments.


Height adjustable from 1100mm – 1700mm

Central Panel 420mm x 300mm

Side panels 300mm x 150mm

Weight 6kg

Adjustments to the height of the stand are easily made, as well as the splay of the side panels, making it suitable for standing or sitting musicians.


To order any of our products, or if you have any questions, please call us on 01823 400321. You can also email info@woollyshepherd.co.uk